Desinfestador Gravitacional
Protect your production against insect infestations and ensure the cleanliness and purity of your product.Protect your production against insect infestations and ensure the cleanliness and purity of your product.
A device designed to break any potential insect eggs present in the product, which could develop and feed on the product, thereby eliminating the risk of insect infestation after sale.
Its operation is based on the high-speed impact (up to 350 km/h) of the product being disinfested against the pins of the rotor, ensuring the destruction of any possible eggs present. After colliding with the rotor, the product is directed at high speed against the equipment wall, undergoing a second impact before being directed to the lower outlet.

Equipment and complete solutions for Industry
- High disinfection efficiency
- Compact design for installation in low-height spaces
- Ensures product quality and safety.
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